Check out this video about religion/politics and evangelicals ... two different views. Very interesting and informative.
Politics and the Pulpit | New York Times Video
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Politics and the Pulpit | New York Times Video
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Saturday, December 29, 2007
While traveling in German in July I had the opportunity of visiting in the home of Rick and Nancy Dill. They are former FMB(IMB) missionaries who were fired because they refused to sign the BFM2000. They were serving in Wiemar where God has richly blessed their work, pastoring a growing church as a part of the German Baptist Union. Thank the Lord that after their termination they were about to stay in Wiemar, in their same house and same church and continue their robust ministry.
I don't think I will ever understand the mindset of a missions organization that would terminate veteran missionaries. The only thing they could use was the fact that they refuse to sign the paper!
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Hillary's Prayer: Hillary Clinton's Religion and Politics
(I posted this blog before ... but would be interested in any comments that you, the reader, would make after reading the article posted below.)\ :)
It is not secret to those who know me that I lean to the left in both politics and religion. Nor is it a secret that I strongly supported Bill Clinton both times that he was elected president. And I believe that he was a great president. I do not like GWB at all. I have no great admiration for his intelligence and love David Letterman's regular segment on his show that's called: Great moments in presidential speech. I am not sure if I will be supportive of Mrs. Clinton in her presidential run ... but I am leaning strongly in her favor. I also like John Edwards.
I can across this article in Mother Jones magazine about Hillary Clinton and I was very surprised at some of the things it said. Here is a bit from the 4 page article.
'It was an elegant example of the Clinton style, a rhetorical maneuver subtle, bold, and banal all at once. During a Democratic candidate forum in June, hosted by the liberal evangelical group Sojourners, Hillary Clinton fielded a softball query about Bill's infidelity: How had her faith gotten her through the Lewinsky scandal?
After a glancing shot at Republican "pharisees," Clinton explained that, of course, her "very serious" grounding in faith had helped her weather the affair. But she had also relied on the "extended faith family" that came to her aid, "people whom I knew who were literally praying for me in prayer chains, who were prayer warriors for me."
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Taking Christ out of Christmas?
With all of the brain washed Christian right wingers crying and whining about Christ being taken of Christmas and declaring that the secular humanist is making war against Christmas this article is very welcome and worth reading and maybe commenting on.
THE BAPTIST STUDIES BULLETIN"Taking the Christ Out of Christmas"By Bruce T. Gourley
'Tis the season for many Christians to complain that Christmas is under siege by a hostile, anti-Christian American culture. Let's forget, for a moment, that American Christians readily embrace the unbiblical consumerism and materialism that characterizes the Christmas season. And, of course, there is the slightly unsettling fact that the history of Christmas is rooted in an ancient pagan celebration later co-opted by Christianity. These annoyances aside, we should get upset that the religious aspect of Christmas is sometimes downplayed by society, and when someone slights our faith, we need to stand up and fight them. Right? Christmas, after all, should be a celebration of Jesus. And the Jesus of the Gospels surely wrapped himself in a human body for the purpose of championing the pure and undefiled among earth's inhabitants, condemning those of other faiths or no faith, and calling down the wrath of God upon the pagan society that characterized the Roman Empire. Thus by demanding that unbelieving individuals and a pluralistic society bow to our wishes―or else!―we honor the spirit of Jesus at Christmas. Right? As silly as it sounds, that is exactly the message that popular Christendom is communicating to American society: we demand our rights right now, and we'll stomp into the ground any who stand in our way, all because we love Jesus and you don't. Let's get real. The biggest enemies of Christmas in modern America are those who claim the name of Christ yet are wandering in a self-righteous wilderness, turning the Bread of Life into stones and hurling holy rocks at unbelievers. Is it possible that somewhere this Christmas season, a follower of Christ will stand up and champion equal rights for persons of other faiths or no faith in American society? Is it possible that somewhere this Christmas season a local Christian church will extend a hand of friendship to a nearby Hindu or Muslim congregation? Is it possible that somewhere this Christmas season a local newspaper's "Letters to the Editor" section will be spared the annual chorus of complaints of "Christ" being taken out of Christmas? This is the time of year in which joy, hope, peace and love are celebrated in songs of faith and the merriment of family and community gatherings. We are able to celebrate the season because Jesus forsook his own heavenly rights and joyfully came to live among and serve sin-ridden humanity. My hope this Advent season is that somewhere in America, at least a few members of the family called Christians, in addition to moving beyond the enticements of materialism and consumerism, will manage to avoid the temptations of the wilderness of self-righteousness and instead live as servants and light among their fellow human beings. Only then will Christ remain in Christmas. (colored text is mine not the author of the article..rcf)
Visit Bruce's personal website.
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Friday, December 14, 2007
Huckabee Hides His Full Gospel?
Huckabee Hides His Full Gospel?
Huckabee is slick and as smooth talking as any snake oil salesman. If he were running for my pastor I would not vote for him because I do not share a lot of his tertiary beliefs ... like about conception, evolution, guns, etc. He would be a disaster as president of the United States. He would turn this country into an American Taliban. Just my opinion! Click on his 30 second commercial or his entertaining 42 minute speech. And if you have some time follow some of the other links located at YOU TUBE.
Posted by
Bob Ferguson