Monday, July 03, 2006

Marriage is safe in Alabama

Welcome to Ethics!

Excellent article written by James L. Evans pastor of Auburn First Baptist Church in Auburn, Ala. Here are some excerpts.

The primaries are now over and the main races are set for November. Marriage is also safe. With the Marriage Protection amendment to the Alabama state constitution, marriages in our state are now secure from the ravages of the so-called "gay agenda." We haven't figured out yet how to save marriage from what actually threatens marriage—I guess that will require yet another amendment in some future campaign.
Vote for Jesus. Republicans have really learned how to play the Jesus card! Hosea reminds us: "They Sow the Wind, and Reap the Whirlwind". One day all of the chickens are going to come home to roost.
Incidentally, Jesus also weighed in on the issue of marriage, but not once did he mention homosexuality as the main threat. Jesus seemed to think that something he called "hardness of heart," was the main cause of marital failure. I'll leave you to do your own biblical research, but don't be surprised to learn
that hardness of heart basically means "commitment to bad habits."
"And it makes sense when we think about it. Marriages fail when people are committed to bad habits that wreak havoc in relationships." (From the article)

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