What a great day! September 27, 2006. John Merritt, former General Secretary for the International Baptist Convention and a veteran IMB missionary called to invite me to have lunch with him and long time friends Ron and Patricia Owens. Click here http://www.owensministries.org/ministries.asp and then click on Music and listen to some of Ron and Pat's music. I don't know if this is proper since I am sure the music is copywrited but anyway ... I have always thought of this song as Ron and Pats signature song . They may not feel that way but I do. The very first 33.3 record was entitled Alive Again (as best I remember) and this song was on that recording.
Sharing memories over the years is wonderful and a reminder of the Lord's work and leadership in all of our lives. John Merritt is the author of a very informative book on the fundamentalist takeover of the SBC. The title is: The Betrayal. Check out this link for great information.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
A Happy Day
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Monday, September 18, 2006
Editorial: President Bush's Reality - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Editorial: President Bush's Reality - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News Der Spiegel exposes the fantasy world of GWB and his minions. Check out the article and this excerpt:
It's hard to figure out how to build consensus when the men in charge embrace a series of myths. Vice President Dick Cheney suggested last weekend that the White House is even more delusional than Mr. Bush's rhetoric suggests. The vice president volunteered to NBC's Tim Russert that not only was the Iraq invasion the right thing to do, "if we had it to do over again, we'd do exactly the same thing."
It is a breathtaking thought. If we could return to Sept. 12, 2001, knowing all we have seen since, Mr. Cheney and the president would march right out and "do exactly the same thing" all over again. It will be hard to hear the phrase "lessons of Sept. 11" again without contemplating that statement.
This is hard to believe but it is true and the unfortunate things that so few Americans, particarily conservatives, take the time to read anything that they might consider "liberal." And get all of their news from Fox News! Haven't they heard of Jon Stewart?
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Welcome to Ethics Daily.com!
Welcome to Ethics Daily.com! Here is an excerpt for this article. Please read the article. James Dobson is over the top! Using people in his Christian conference that could not hold a position in a church. Anything to save GWB's hide!
Those of us who know Jesus know James Dobson is no Jesus.
Jesus warned against the hypocrisy of faulty faith: "Woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint … and neglect justice."
"Woe" was a word of censorship that Jesus placed here on religious leaders for downgrading authentic faith for their own agenda.
Dobson engages in similar Pharisaical practice when he prioritizes a few issues as the moral agenda, while neglecting many issues central to Jesus' teachings and placing the moral mantel on the GOP, as God's Only Party.
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Monday, September 11, 2006
Welcome to Ethics Daily.com!
Welcome to Ethics Daily.com!
Jim Evans is a Baptist preacher with his head out of the sand and the political pocket of the GOP! This is a great article. Here is an excerpt:
At the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, it is hard not to ask "What is different now?" Other than the obvious changes brought about by increased airport security, daily "alert updates," and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, has anything really changed?
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Saturday, September 09, 2006
2006 Election and WW III
The Consortiumnews.com
As Americans go to the polls in two months, they should have one thought fixed in their minds: they will be voting on whether to commit the nation to fighting World War III against large segments of the world’s one billion Muslims. Beyond the cost in blood and treasure, this war will mean the end of the United States as a democratic Republic.
Read the whole article!
Posted by
Bob Ferguson
Monday, September 04, 2006
Diane's Birthday
This my wife on her birthday September 3, 2006 modeling her new clothes and Birkenstock sandals. The tops all came from Hong Kong the rest were gifts selected by Diane and designated as gifts from me.
Posted by
Bob Ferguson