Wednesday, April 20, 2005

You've Gotta Love Maureen Dowd

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: Smoke Gets in Our News

It's really getting hard to what's happening to our country. A Christian person should always stand firm in their personal beliefs ... but they should never presume to impose those beliefs on every or anybody else. Now it seems that if you are not a Repuplican or a right-wing Christian you are not a Christian at all. Not a person of faith.

President Bush has also long acted as if he channeled the voice of God. And now Tom DeLay and Bill Frist are also pandering to the far-right-wing and evangelical Christians by implying that God speaks - and acts - through them, too.

Mr. Bush's more subtle obeisance to the evangelical right is no longer enough. Puffed up with its electoral clout, the Christian right now wants politicians to genuflect openly.

The doctor who would be president is down on both knees. He's happy to exploit religion by giving a video speech on a telecast next Sunday that will portray Democrats who block the president's judicial nominations as being "against people of faith."

God help us all if these folks get more fully into power. They are selling their birth right for a bowl of lentils![Genesis 25:20-34]

Karl Barth (Thielicke I BELIEVE P. 235) says,
‘The church lives from her function as herald, she is God’s company. Where the church is alive, she must face the question of whether she serves this function or whether she is an end in herself. If the latter is the case, the church usually begins to taste “sacral”, to act pious, to become priestly, and to taste sour. Anyone with a sensitive nose will smell and find it dreadful.’

1 comment:

David Flick said...

Good stuff, Bob. Keep up the good work...