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It really makes me angry to see the names of prominent "right wing" Christian leaders take the position that to disagree with them is to oppose Christ. James Dobson, a man I once admired for his work in family matters, is the worst of the lot. Then there is Richard Land! A Southern Baptist. There was a time when Southern Baptist stood for freedom of conscience and the separation of church and state. And Tony Perkins who says that the filibuster nominees
"are being blocked because they are people of faith and moral conviction.... These are people whose only offense is to say that abortion is wrong or that marriage should be between one man and one woman."
Brother Perkins is not altogether truthful. What! A lying "right winger"! Forsooth! He has reduced Democratic opposition to the Presidents appointees down to abortion and same sex marriage along with the nominees Christian faith. To get the real truth .. not Christian lies check out this LINK Way down at the bottom of the page you will see a link to Fili-BUSTED which makes a comparison to the "fibs" of the Republicans to actual reality. Check it out for yourself.
James L. Evans is pastor of Auburn First Baptist Church in Auburn, Ala. and he writes in his article for the ChristianEthic.com the following short excerpt (you can read the whole article by clicking on the link):
This is a good example of Republican strategists turning political issues into a religious crusade.
But nothing is quite as dangerous as a tightly wound religious crusade. We should not be surprised if those who ride the tiger of religious extremism, to coin a phrase, one day find themselves devoured by it.
We need look no further than to religion’s lunatic fringe—those troubled souls like Eric Robert Rudolph whose reality filter gets clogged with hate. A reckless rhetoric which demonizes the men and women of America’s judiciary essentially paints a bulls-eye on their backs.
And for this there should be accountability. If one judge is shot down as a result of this political circus, DeLay, Dobson and Frist will all have blood on their hands.